Qualified SCSI HBA Cards - Pro Tools|HD Systems for Mac OS 9 For maximum track count, use of a qualified SCSI HBA (Host Bus Adapter) card is required with Pro Tools|HD systems. The following cards are officially qualified with Pro Tools|HD systems with Pro Tools 5.3.1 for Mac OS 9 and Apple G4 desktop models: Digidesign SCSI|128 Kit
Digidesign SCSI64 Kit
* The 66MHz version of the ATTO EPCI-UL3D (model # EPCI-UL3D-066) is not supported for use with Pro Tools systems, regardless of whether your Pro Tools system is installed on a 33 MHz or 66 MHz PCI bus. The 66 MHz version is tuned for performance on a 66 MHz PCI bus. However, when Pro Tools is installed in a 66 MHz PCI bus, it reduces the speed of the PCI bus to 33 MHz. As a result, you will receive superior performance with the 33 MHz UL3D (model # EPCI-UL3D-000), because it is tuned for a 33 MHz PCI bus. New Recommended ATTO settings for approved SCSI Host Bus Adapters with Pro Tools|HD: From the Sync Rate pop-up menu, select the correct setting for your setup:
From the PCI Burst Rate pop-up menu, select the correct setting for your setup: