PostConform Requirements

PostConform 2.0.1 Requirements

Computer Requirements

PostConform 2.0.1 is a Mac OS product which is qualified to run on any Power Macintosh computer with 64 MB of RAM or higher. OS 8.6 or OS 9 is required, depending on your system

Pro Tools Hardware Requirements

Synchronization Requirements

PostConform v2.0.1 requires either a Digidesign SYNC I/O, Digidesign Universal Slave Driver, or an LTC-to-MTC converter for synchronization.

  • SYNC I/O: Connects directly to Pro Tools|HD and MIX systems
  • USD: Universal Slave Driver connects directly to Pro Tools|24 and MIX systems, but requires a qualified modem-to-serial converter for use with Pro Tools III systems in Blue & White G3 / G4 configurations.
  • LTC-to-MTC Converters: Both USB and serial MIDI interfaces work effectively with Pro Tools. Serial MIDI interfaces require either a Mac serial port or a qualified modem-to-serial port adapter.

Machine Control Requirements

For machine control of external decks, PostConform requires either a Mac serial port, a qualified modem-to-serial port adapter or USB-to-serial adapter.

Serial Port Requirements

For modem-to-serial conversion on Blue & White G3 and G4, Digidesign currently supports the Griffin gPort, g4Port and the GeeThree Stealth Port, Stealth Port for G4 - AGP video, and Stealth Port for Dual Processor G4s.

For USB-to-serial conversion, Digidesign qualifies the Keyspan USB Serial Adapter USA-28X with driver v1.6 or higher. Firmware updates are available at:

DAE/DSI Requirements

PostConform v2.0.1 installs the correct components for use with MIX or HD systems

PostConform v2.0 requires a special version of DAE (version 5.0P) which is installed by the PostConform v2.0 installer or DAE v5.0.1 or higher which is installed by the latest Pro Tools installer.

If you are planning to run Pro Tools v4.3.1 or earlier and PostConform v2.0 on the same system, the DAE and DSI files installed with PostConform may need to be swapped for those which shipped with your older Pro Tools software. PostConform will continue to be tested with newer releases of DAE and DSI as they are created in the future.

Audio Interfaces

PostConform v2.0.1 has been officially qualified with 192 I/O, 96 I/O, 888|24 I/O, and 882|20 I/O.

PostConform v2.0 has been officially qualified with 888 I/O, 888|24 I/O, 882 I/O and 882|20 I/O.