Session 8 PC Qualified Drives

Session 8PC Qualified Drives

Drives Qualified with Session 8 Software Release version 2.51




Firmware 1


XP39100S (Atlas II)

9.0 GB 2



ST19171N (Barracuda 9)

9.0 GB 2



XP34550S (Atlas II)

4.0 GB 2



ST34371N (Barracuda 4LP)

4.0 GB 2



ST32171N (Barracuda 2)

2.0 GB


1.Indicates specific drive firmware of test unit. The correct firmware version is required to be fully compatible with Digidesign systems.

2.Drive mechanisms over 2 gigabytes must be partitioned with Digidesign's HDFormatter 2.0 or higher.

3. When a hard drive is initialized using Session 8's HD Formatter and there are more than 3 partitions, the drive may not be recognized by Windows 95 when connected to another SCSI controller. There is a 2 gigabyte limit per partition, therefore, any drive smaller than 6 gigabytes can be partitioned into 3 or less partitions to avoid this problem. Hard drives that are initialized using Session 8's HD Formatter with more than 3 partitions will still be recognized when connected to another SCSI controller with Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups, or DOS. If you are using Windows 95 you can still get to the DOS prompt by pressing the F8 key when Windows 95 is starting. When a hard drive is partitioned with 3 or more partitions using another SCSI formatter other than Session 8's HD Formatter, only 3 partitions may be recognized when connected to the Session 8 card. When you are using a drive with multiple partitions, the drive volumes cannot be labeled from the HD Formatter. You will need to lable your hard drive volumes from DOS or from Windows 95.