Expansion Chassis Requirements - Pro Tools|HD Systems for Mac OS

Expansion Chassis Requirements - Pro Tools|HD Systems for Mac OS

Up to 7 HD cards can be used in a single ProTools|HD system

  • 1 HD Core card
  • Plus up to 6 HD Process cards
  • Or any combination of HD Core and HD Process cards up to 7 total
  • Note: the use of 6 or 7 HD cards requires Mac OS 9.2.2
  • Only 4 HD cards are useable when using 176 or 192 kHz sample rates, with or without an expansion chassis

The following Expansion Chassis are officially qualified for use with Pro Tools|HD systems on the Mac OS at initial release:

13 Slot Chassis

  • Digidesign Pro Tools Expansion Chassis, 13 Slot
    HD compatible models: S/N begins with NB0600100C
    HD-incompatible models: S/N = NB055300B1 or lower
  • Magma 13 Slot Expansion Chassis — model P13R-D1 and P13RC1.5-D1
  • Magma 13 Slot Expansion Chassis — model PCI13R
  • SBS (Bit3) 13 Slot Expansion Chassis — model DD23
  • SBS (Bit3) 13 Slot Expansion Chassis — model 240-2-2
  • SBS (Bit3) 13 Slot Expansion Chassis — model 240-2-201

Note: 13 Slot Chassis support a total of up to 10 Digidesign cards. A maximum of 7 HD cards (HD Core or HD Process) can be used in single ProTools|HD system, plus any number of SampleCell II cards. (Note: the use of 6 or 7 HD cards requires Mac OS 9.2.2)

7 Slot Chassis

  • Digidesign Pro Tools Expansion Chassis, 7 Slot
  • SBS (Bit3) 7 Slot Expansion Chassis — model DD007-R
  • Magma 7 Slot 64-bit 33MHz Expansion Chassis — model P7R464-D1 and P7R464C1.5-D1

Note: Pro Tools|HD is qualified with both 32-bit and 64-bit chassis.

G4 PowerBook CardBus PCI Expansion Systems

  • Magma 4-slot chassis — model CB4DRQ-D1
  • Magma 2-slot chassis — model CB232-D1
  • Magma 2-slot chassis — model CB2 (discontinued)
  • Magma 2-slot chassis — model CB2S (SCSI model, discontinued)

Supported with Firewire or SCSI drives. In order to use SCSI drives with the Magma PowerBook chassis, download and install ApplePCI — Apple Multiprocessor and G4 PowerBook Expansion Chassis Fix

Note that certain models of these 2-slot and 4-slot chassis will need a special resistor kit from Magma to work with Pro Tools|HD cards. This is because the power supplies require a 5-volt load, and Pro Tools|HD cards only supply a 3.3 volt load.

In addition, installing certain cards not manufactured by Digidesign (i.e. Ethernet or the ATTO EPCI-UL3D SCSI Host Bus Adapter) will automatically supply the necessary 5 volt load. In most cases you will be able to easily tell if you need the load resistor to run with only Pro Tools|HD cards installed:

  • CB2 (AC) systems will need the load resistor
  • All systems with "quiet" power supplies (any "Q" model)
  • All chassis purchased prior to January, 2002

You can also email the chassis serial number to [email protected] for confirmation. If necessary, you may order the kit (Part #RESLOAD5V) directly from Magma for @ $13: www.magma.com/pci

For further information about these products, please contact your Authorized Digidesign Dealer and ask for the Digidesign Development Partner Catalog, or available online at www.DigiDevelopers.com

For more information about expansion chassis setup and card order configurations, please download the Expanded Systems Guide PDF in the Technical Document Library of the Support/Tech Support section of the website.

Additional Expansion Chassis Requirements

SCSI Accelerator Cards

For maximum track count, the PowerMac G4 requires the use of a qualified SCSI HBA card. The following SCSI HBA cards are qualified with the PowerMac G4 models listed at the top of this page.

  • Digidesign SCSI64 Kit
  • Digidesign SCSI|128 Kit
  • ATTO EPCI-DC SCSI Host Bus Adapter (ExpressPCI Dual Channel Ultra/WIDE HBA)
  • ATTO EPCI-UL2D SCSI Host Bus Adapter
  • ATTO EPCI-UL3D SCSI Host Bus Adapter

Complete details, firmware requirements, and new recommended ATTO ExpressPro-Tools settings for approved SCSI Host Bus Adapters:

The use of 6 or 7 HD cards requires Mac OS 9.2.2

Further Exceptions Apply: Please refer to the "Supported CPU Models, Speeds & Requirements" list back on the Pro Tools|HD Systems for Power Macintosh Requirements page for your chosen computer.

Digidesign SampleCell II PCI Card Requirements

  • SampleCell II PCI cards must be Rev D or higher (serial number HH02001 or higher) for compatibility with Expansion Chassis
  • Note: the SampleCell TDM Module is not compatible with Pro Tools|HD systems
  • See also: Other Digidesign PCI Card Options - Pro Tools|HD for the Mac OS for more information on both of these issues regarding SampleCell II PCI cards