Control Surfaces & MIDI Interfaces

With Digi 002 Rack Systems with Pro Tools LE 6.9.2 for Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)

Control Surfaces

The following control surfaces are qualified for use with Digi 002 Rack systems with Pro Tools LE version 6.9.2 software for Mac OS X:

The following control surfaces were not tested with Pro Tools LE 6.9.2, and therefore are not officially supported. The Pro Tools LE 6.9.2 Installer CD contains an "Unsupported Software" folder with the following control surface personality files:

  • JL Cooper CS-10 MIDI series
  • JL Cooper MCS 3000 series MCS-Panner
  • Peavy PC-1600

These files are also available from the Legacy MIDI Controllers download page.


  • D-Control. D-Command, and ProControl control surfaces are are not compatible with Pro Tools LE systems
  • The Digi 002 Rack does not include any hardware faders. The built-in faders on the Digi 002 desktop unit cannot be used to control any device other than that same Digi 002.
  • Pro Tools 6.0 and later no longer supports and will not install the Penny & Giles MM-16 and DC-16 Control Surface Personality Files
  • Only one Command|8 can be used with a Pro Tools system. Multiple Command|8 units cannot be enabled simultaneously.
  • Command|8 must be the only MIDI control surface enabled within Pro Tools.
  • Command|8 can be used in combination with non-MIDI control surfaces such as Control|24 with some limitations. For more information, see the Command|8 Guide.

For more information on using control surfaces with Pro Tools, see the Control|24 Guide, Command|8 Guide, and the Getting Started and Pro Tools Reference guides in the Technical Document Library or your Pro Tools documentation folder.

For third-party devices such as the MoterMix, HUI, CS-10 or PC-1600, see the MIDI Control Surfaces Guide in the Technical Document Library:

MIDI Control Surfaces (Legacy Controllers)

MIDI Interfaces


The Digi 002 Rack includes a built-in MIDI interface with 1 MIDI In port and 2 MIDI Out ports, providing up to 16 channels of MIDI input and up to 32 channels of MIDI output. (only with Digi 002 Rack, cannot be used as a standalone MIDI interface)

Additional — USB Only

The following MIDI Interfaces are also qualified for use with Digi 002 Rack systems with Pro Tools LE version 6.9.2 software for Mac OS X:

  • Digidesign MIDI I/O - USB MIDI interface with 10 MIDI I/O ports, supporting 160 MIDI channels
  • Emagic Unitor8, AMT8, MT4
  • Roland MPU64, UM2, UM4

Known Incompatibilities & Issues

  • Only USB MIDI interfaces are compatible with Pro Tools systems for Mac OS X. Modem-to-serial port adapters and serial MIDI devices are not supported.
  • System instabilities and performance issues can occur when using MIDI control surfaces in conjunction with Pro Tools 6 and 3rd party MIDI interfaces. For best multiport MIDI performance, we recommend using Digidesign's MIDI I/O. (only if additional MIDI ports are required beyond the 16 in/32 out built into the Digi 002)

Digidesign Compatibility Documents Index