Apple PowerBook G4 — Mbox 2 Requirements

With Pro Tools LE 7.0/7.1 for Mac OS X 10.4

Apple PowerBook G4 Compatibility Information

  • All configurations tested with version 1.38 firmware (available below)
  • Your performance and track count may vary depending on the processor speed

Model & Processor

LCD Screen Size


PowerBook G4 1GHz
12 Inch Display
Qualified for both USB ports
PowerBook G4 1GHz
15 Inch Display
Not Supported: Failed Qualification*
PowerBook G4 1GHz
17 Inch Display
Qualified for both USB ports
PowerBook G4 1.25GHz
15 Inch Display
Not Supported: Failed Qualification*
PowerBook G4 1.33 GHz
12 Inch Display
Qualified for both USB ports
PowerBook G4 1.33GHz
15 Inch Display
Qualified for both USB ports
PowerBook G4 1.33GHz
17 Inch Display
Qualified for both USB ports
PowerBook G4 1.5GHz
15 Inch Display
Qualified for both USB ports
PowerBook G4 1.5GHz
17 Inch Display
Qualified for both USB ports
PowerBook G4 1.67GHz (1st Gen)
15 Inch Display
  • Qualified for both USB ports
  • Does NOT support Mbox 2 phantom power
PowerBook G4 1.67GHz (1st Gen)
17 Inch Display
  • Qualified for both USB ports
  • Does NOT support Mbox 2 phantom power
PowerBook G4 1.5GHz
12 Inch Display
Qualified for both USB ports
PowerBook G4 1.67GHz (Hi Res)
15 Inch Display
  • Qualified for one USB port ONLY**
  • Does NOT support Mbox 2 phantom power
PowerBook G4 1.67GHz (Hi Res)
17 Inch Display
  • Qualified for one USB port ONLY**
  • Does NOT support Mbox 2 phantom power

* See Compatibility Alert below for information on how to identify these 2 specific unsupported models.

** This varies from one individual PowerBook to another. This means that if the Mbox 2 loses communication on one USB port, you should try it on the other USB port.

Not Recommended

  • Processor speeds less than 1 GHz


Aluminum PowerBook G4 Hi Res Battery Update

If you are using a PowerBook G4 15" Powerbook with an Mbox 2 and receiving -6101 errors, please make sure you have the latest battery update, available from Apple:

Also, make sure you have the latest firmware for your Mbox 2:

Mbox 2 Firmware Update v1.38

We have identified a problem with some aluminum PowerBook G4 models that may not provide sufficient power from one or both of the built-in USB ports to establish or maintain communication with the Mbox 2, especially when phantom power is used. A beta Firmware Update for some PowerBook G4 models with this problem is available on the Pro Tools LE 7 CD in the "Additional Files" folder and here:

Please Note: This Mbox 2 Firmware Update v1.38 may not solve this issue with all PowerBook models. If you have one of the supported PowerBook G4 models listed above, and you are still not able to use the Mbox 2 on either USB port, please Contact Digidesign Technical Support.

Mbox 2 Unit Should be Online Prior to Engaging Phantom Power

Phantom power should only be engaged after the Mbox 2 is connected and Pro Tools is launched. If phantom power is on when the Mbox 2 is first connected to the CPU, it may drop offline. So in these cases, the following steps are encouraged:

  1. Connect the Mbox 2 to the USB port with PHANTOM POWER OFF
  2. Launch Pro Tools
  3. Connect any phantom-powered microphones
  4. Turn phantom power on

These steps should keep the Mbox 2 online.

Compatibility Alert

The following 15" PowerBook G4 1.25Ghz and 1Ghz models are not supported with Mbox 2, and failed qualification with or without the above firmware fix:

Aluminum PowerBook G4 Models:
Screen Size, CPU Speed, Release Date

Model Number
(on the original Apple shipping box)
Machine Model:
Apple System Profiler/Hardware Overview*
PowerBook G4 15" 1.25GHz
Introduction Date: September 16, 2003
Discontinued Date: April 19, 2004

Model M8981LL/A

(FireWire 800 model)

PowerBook G4 15" 1.0GHz
Introduction Date: September 16, 2003
Discontinued Date: April 19, 2004

Model M8980LL/A

(FireWire 800 model)


*Viewable in Tiger only, Machine Model not shown on Panther System Profiler.

2005 G4 PowerBooks & Sudden Motion Sensor

Appleā€™s 2005 G4 PowerBooks incorporate a technology called "Sudden Motion Sensor" that detects when the system is being dropped or jarred. Apple has posted a support note that recommends turning off SMS if you see skipped frames when using video applications:

Digidesign Compatibility Documents Index