PowerBook G3 - Pro Tools FREE Compatibility

PowerBook G3 - Pro Tools FREE Compatibility

The following PowerBook G3s are compatible

  • PowerBook G3 Pismo
  • PowerBook G3 Wallstreet

PowerBook G3 version history available at www.everymac.com

System Software

  • Pro Tools FREE will only work with Mac OS v8.6 & v9.x
  • Pro Tools FREE will not work with Mac OS X
  • Classic Mode under OS X is also not supported. If you have a dual-boot system with both Mac OS 9 and OS X, you must choose Mac OS 9 as your startup system either in your Startup Disk Control Panel or by holding down the Option key during startup to use Pro Tools FREE. Systems that can only boot in OS X cannot be used.

Storage needs for PowerBooks

The hard drives contained in PowerBooks are usually much slower than those in desktop computers. This will effect Pro Tools FREE performance. A dedicated second internal or external hard drive which follow the Pro Tools LE Audio Storage Requirements as closely as possible is recommended.

Optional Compatibility Information

Qualified External Diskette Drives

Although not required with Pro Tools FREE installation, an external diskette drive may be required for installation of some Plug-Ins and optional software applications. The following external USB diskette drives are currently supported:

  • Imation SuperDisk
  • NewerTechnology uDrive
  • VST Floppy Drive (model FDUSB-M) Note: Information on VST brand products from SmartDisk has been moved to www.smartdisk.com

Links to software and drivers are available in the Digidesign Support/Downloads/Utilities Section:

  • VST Floppy Drive (model FDUSB-M)
  • Imation SuperDisk
  • NewerTechnology uDrive
  • Pace USB Floppy Enabler

Apple's revised USB support allows for booting from a USB drive, therefore you should not boot up your system with an authorization disk inserted in the USB Drive.