Control Surfaces & MIDI Interfaces with Pro Tools LE 5.3.x Systems for Windows XP

Control Surfaces & MIDI Interfaces

With Pro Tools LE 5.3.1-5.3.3 Systems for Windows XP

The following devices are qualified for use with Digi 001 & ToolBox/Audiomedia III systems with Pro Tools LE version 5.3.1 software for Windows XP and Mbox with Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 for Windows XP:

Control Surfaces

  • Digidesign/Focusrite Control24
  • CM Labs MotorMix™
  • JL Cooper CS-10™ MIDI series
  • Mackie Designs HUI™ (HUI firmware v1.4.5 or higher required)
  • Peavey PC-1600™

For more information on using control surfaces with Pro Tools, see the Control|24 Guide and MIDI Control Surfaces Guide in the Technical Document Library


  • Digidesign ProControl, FaderPack and EditPack are not compatible with Pro Tools LE systems
  • The Digi 002 faders cannot be used to control any device other than the Digi 002.
  • The Asante "AsanteFAST 10/100" 590 PCI card card is not recommended for Pro Tools systems using Ethernet controllers such as Control|24. If this card is in your system, it can cause Ethernet controllers to go on/offline every few seconds, and you will not be able to maintain a decent connection to the Control|24.

MIDI Interfaces

  • Digi 001 built-in MIDI interface (only with Digi 001, not standalone)
  • Emagic Unitor8
  • Emagic AMT8
  • Emagic AMT4
  • Roland UM4
  • Roland UM2
  • Midiman (M-Audio) USB MIDISPORT 4x4

Note: To ensure compatibility, check with the manufacturer of the various system devices you plan to use, to ensure that you are using the latest software or drivers for Windows XP.