Maximum Performance Guidelines for Pro Tools|24 MIX v5.3.1 on Windows XP & 2000

Maximum Performance Guidelines for Pro Tools|24 MIX Systems

With Pro Tools 5.3.1 on Windows XP & 2000

32-64 Track Performance

System Requirements

32-64 track performance with Pro Tools|24 MIX systems requires the following configuration:

32-48 Track Performance

The DigiDrive FireWire 80 has been qualified with the above Pro Tools|24 MIX systems for the following:

  • Supported track count (per drive): 24 tracks per drive at 48 KHz/24-bit @ 500ms edit density
  • Maximum 2 drives for a total of 48 tracks

For more information and specific requirements, see FireWire Drive Requirements

32 Track Performance

The following configurations with the IntelliStation M Pro's built in SCSI port also yield up to 32 track performance:

  • Use of a combination of Pro Tools-qualified hard drives connected to the CPU's internal and external SCSI busses. Digidesign recommends that internally mounted drives are installed according to the drive manufacturer's guidelines
  • Use of two or more Pro Tools-qualified hard drives connected to the CPU's internal Fast SCSI Bus