Digi 002




Download File




Digi 002pack v1.0 Updates for Pro Tools LE 6.x on Mac OS X

Information and links on how to update the plug-ins included with the Digi 002 promotional 002pack v1.0 to OS X compatibility.


Digi 002pack v1.0 Updates for Pro Tools LE 6.x on Windows XP

Information and links on how to update the plug-ins included with the Digi 002 promotional 002pack v1.0 to Pro Tools LE 6.x compatibility.

Dec. 2002


1 MB


1.3 MB

DAE 5.3.2cs2 for Digi 002 Mac and Windows Systems

Low-Latency Monitoring Fix for Digital Inputs/Loud Pops

Who Should Use This?

All Digi 002 users are encouraged to install DAE 5.3.2cs2.

What Does this File Do?

Low-Latency Monitor Mode with Digital Inputs —
This updated DAE library allows the use of digital inputs (ADAT, S/PDIF, Optical S/PDIF) when using low-latency monitoring mode. With the version of Pro Tools LE v5.3.2 that came with Digi 002 (both Mac OS and Windows XP), enabling low-latency monitoring mode mistakenly disabled the S/PDIF inputs as well as shifted ADAT input routing (what was channel 1-2 became channel 3-4).

Loud Pop or Burst of Noise at the end of selected regions —
This update also fixes a loud pop that may appear at the end of playback of a selected region when a master fader is moved during playback. Even if you have never encountered this problem, please download the fix to avoid possible loud pops in the future.

How Do I Use It?

  1. Pro Tools LE 5.3.2 must be already installed in order for the new DAE file to work. This DAE will NOT work with any other version of Pro Tools LE or Pro Tools TDM or with any other Digidesign hardware other than Digi 002.
  2. Quit the Pro Tools application if it is open.
  3. Download the correct file for your Digi 002 system, Mac OS or Windows XP version
  4. The download will be in compressed format. If the file does not automatically expand when downloaded, expand it using Aladdin Stuffit Expander on the Mac or the built-in Zip utility in Windows XP. After saving to your Desktop in Windows XP, right-click on the file and choose "Open".
  5. Replace the current DAE file (Mac) or DAE.dll file (Windows) with the new one. The file location is as follows:
    Mac OS: System Folder>DAE Folder>DAE
    Windows XP: Program Files>Digidesign>Pro Tools>DAE.dll and DAE.dll.rsr
  6. After replacing the DAE (Mac) or DAE.dll & DAE.dll.rsr (Windows) files, launch Pro Tools.
  7. Low-latency monitor mode with digital inputs will now work. Any loud pops you may have encountered should also be eliminated.

What's Included in This Download?

DAE 5.3.2cs2 for Digi 002 Win XP (1 MB)

  • DAE.dll
  • DAE.dll.rsr
  • DAE 5.3.2cs2 Read Me,.pdf (with these instructions)

DAE 5.3.2cs2 for Digi 002 Mac OS (1.3 MB)

  • DAE
  • DAE 5.3.2cs2 Read Me,.pdf (with these instructions)


Oct. 2002


Updates Fader Firmware to V105a

520 k

540 k

Digi 002 Controller Personality File with the following:

Digi 002 Fader Firmware Update

  • Mac BinHex (.hqx) file, which requires Aladdin Stuffit Expander 5.1.2 or higher.
  • Windows ZIP (.zip) file, which can be opened in Windows XP by double clicking the downloaded file, and extracting the files to your desktop.

What is Included in This Download?

  • Digi 002 (version 5.3.2cs1 controller personality file with fader firmware V105a)
  • Digi 002 Firmware Read Me.pdf

Who Should Use This?

  • All Digi 002 Users

How To Identify Your Digi 002 Firmware Version

  1. Turn your Digi 002 on or return the unit to "Standby Mode"
  2. Press F1. Click the SEL button underneath "Info"
  3. In the next screen press and hold the SEL button underneath "Fadr"
  4. If it needs to be updated, it should read V105. If it reads V105a, stop. You already have this version installed. If it reads V105, go ahead and install the new V105a firmware.

What Does This File Do?

This new Digi 002 Controller file will update the fader firmware to V105a inside of Digi 002.
This Firmware Version Resolves the Following Issues:

  1. Changes the way the Digi 002 powers up to eliminate a possible long-term reliability issue with the fader motors.
  2. Alleviates some cases where the scribble strips display random characters at startup and the firmware fails to initialize.

How Do I Use It?

  1. Quit the Pro Tools application if it is open.
  2. Download the Digi 002 Controller file from the links above.
  3. The download will be in compressed format. If the file does not automatically expand when downloaded, expand it using Aladdin Stuffit Expander on the Mac or the built-in Zip utility in Windows XP. After saving to your Desktop in Windows XP, right-click on the file and choose "Open".
  4. Simply replace the shipping Digi 002 Controller file (Mac - "Digi 002"; Win XP = "Digi 002.dll.rsr") with the one that you download by placing it in the following locations:

    Mac OS: System Folder/DAE Folder/Controllers/

    Windows XP: My Computer/Local Disk (C:)/Program Files/Digidesign/DAE/Controllers/Digi 002/
    (Note: "Local Disk (C:)" is the typical location but may vary depending on you XP setup)
  5. After replacing the file, Launch Pro Tools LE v.5.3.2. You will be prompted to download the latest firmware. Click OK and download the firmware.

Fader firmware downloads take place quickly.

Sept 2002
Mac & Win

Updates for the Native Instruments PRO-52 Digi Edition included in Digi 002 Systems

Fix for the following problem:

  • Loud blast of noise when using PRO-52 and D-Verb (Digi 002 version) at 96 KHz on either Mac OS or Windows XP

Sept 2002



Apple FireWire Enabler & FireWire Support Extensions


Approved Mac Operating System — Mac OS 9.2.2

Version 2.5 FireWire extensions or later required for non-English versions of OS 9.2.2

  • Earlier versions of FireWire drivers will not recognize Digi 002.
  • WARNING: If you are running a non-English version of OS 9.2.2, you may need to download the version 2.5 FireWire extensions, otherwise the Digi 002 will not be recognized.
  • Apples version numbering system of these extensions varies with different language versions of the Mac OS. FireWire Enabler v2.7 and FireWire Support v2.7 were Mac OS Extensions included with North American English Mac OS 9.1.
  • If you are running the North American English version of Mac OS 9.2.2, running the Software Update Control Panel will update your extensions to the most recent version if you do not have them:
    • FireWire Enabler 2.8.6
    • FireWire Support 2.8.6
  • To find out which version you have of these extensions, check your Extensions Manager, or look in your both your System Folder > Extensions and Extensions (Disabled) folders
  • Both of these extensions (either v2.8.6 for North American English Mac OS or v2.5 for non-English Mac OS) must be enabled in your System Folder/Extensions folder in order to mount and use Digi 002.

If you experience download or decoding problems, see the Download Help FAQ

Mac BinHex (.hqx) format downloads require Stuffit Expander 5.1.2 or higher

Download Aladdin's FREE Stuffit Expander for Mac

Windows ZIP (.zip) format downloads should be downloaded to your local hard drive by choosing "Save to Disk", then expanded. Windows XP has the un-zip capability built into the XP operating system. After saving to your Desktop in Windows XP, right-click on the file and choose "Open".

More Information:

Digidesign Downloads | Digidesign Customer Service | Digidesign Technical Support