Pro Tools 6.2.3 Updates


For Pro Tools TDM & LE Systems
On Mac OS X 10.3.2 (Panther)

Pro Tools TDM 6.2.3

For Pro Tools TDM systems on Mac OS X 10.3.2 (Panther)

Pro Tools|24 MIX Systems — End of Development

Pro Tools LE 6.2.3

For Pro Tools LE systems on Mac OS X 10.3.2 (Panther)

Note: If you already have Pro Tools LE 6.0 or higher, and you are on Mac OS X Panther, you should skip Pro Tools LE 6.2.3 and use the free Pro Tools LE 6.4 Update instead.

Exception: Pro Tools LE 6.2.3 is the last version that will work with the Audiomedia III (AM3) card.

Q: Can I use Pro Tools LE 6.2.3 LE software with my Digi ToolBox/Audiomedia III system?

A: The previously released Pro Tools LE 6.1.2 for Mac OS X and Pro Tools LE 6.1.1 for Windows XP will be the last Pro Tools LE release versions to have qualification and support for Audiomedia III and ToolBox systems, which have been discontinued for some time. While Pro Tools LE 6.2.3 for Mac OS X will not be fully tested or officially qualified with Audiomedia III hardware in Power Mac G4 models with Mac OS X 10.3.1, limited testing has shown that this configuration can be used. However, we cannot guarantee performance. Pro Tools LE 6.2.3 for Mac OS X and Pro Tools LE 6.1.1 for Windows XP are the last versions of Pro Tools LE that will work with the Audiomedia III card.

Pro Tools TDM 6.2.3 for Japanese OS

For Pro Tools TDM systems on Mac OS X 10.3.2 (Panther) Japanese OS

Pro Tools LE 6.2.3 for Japanese OS

For Pro Tools LE systems on Mac OS X 10.3.2 (Panther) Japanese OS

Note: If you already have Pro Tools LE 6.0 or higher, and you are on Mac OS X Panther, you should skip Pro Tools LE 6.2.3 and use the free Pro Tools LE 6.4 Update instead.

Exception: Pro Tools LE 6.2.3 is the last version that will work with the Audiomedia III card.

More Information:

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